The Love Life of a Turkish Warrior

Pak Samachar

Artuk Bey was a prominent figure in the history of the Seljuk Turks. He was a warrior and a statesman who helped establish the Seljuk Empire in Anatolia. Although Artuk Bey is famous for his military campaigns and political achievements, little is known about his personal life, especially his romantic relationships. Who marries Artuk Bey? This question remains a mystery to this day. In this article, we will explore the possible answers to this intriguing question and shed some light on the love life of this legendary Turkish hero.

ErtuÄŸrul Family

Artuk Bey: A Brief Biography

Artuk Bey was born in the early 11th century in a Turkic tribe in Central Asia. He migrated to the Abbasid Caliphate with his family and served as a soldier in the Caliph's army. Later, he joined the Seljuk Turks, who were conquering lands in Iran and Iraq. Artuk Bey became a trusted adviser and commander of the Seljuk sultan, Tughril Beg. He participated in many battles and campaigns, including the famous Battle of Manzikert in 1071, where the Seljuks defeated the Byzantine Empire and captured Emperor Romanos IV.

Artuk Bey was a devout Muslim and a patron of the arts. He built many mosques, madrasas, and caravanserais throughout Anatolia. He also supported scholars and poets, including the famous Sufi philosopher and poet, Jalal al-Din Rumi. Artuk Bey died in 1091 and was buried in his capital, Hasankeyf, in modern-day Turkey.

ErtuÄŸrul Family

Love and Marriage in Medieval Anatolia

In medieval Anatolia, marriage was an essential institution that served many purposes, including the continuation of the family line, the consolidation of power and wealth, and the establishment of alliances between clans and tribes. Marriage was usually arranged by the parents or the elders of the families, and the bride and the groom had little say in the matter. Polygamy was allowed, but it was not widespread, and only wealthy men could afford to have multiple wives.

ErtuÄŸrul Family

Possible Candidates for Artuk Bey's Hand

Who marries Artuk Bey? There are no historical records that mention Artuk Bey's wife or wives. However, several women could have been potential candidates for his hand, based on their social status and their proximity to Artuk Bey's realm.

One of the most prominent women in Seljuk Anatolia was the sultan's mother, Gevher Hatun. She was a powerful and influential figure who played a significant role in the politics of the Seljuk Empire. Gevher Hatun had several sons, including the sultan, and she could have arranged a marriage between Artuk Bey and one of her daughters or nieces.

Another possible candidate is the daughter of the emir of Mosul, who was a vassal of the Seljuk Empire. Artuk Bey conquered Mosul in 1071, and he could have married the emir's daughter to cement his control over the city and strengthen his ties with the Seljuk court.

Finally, Artuk Bey could have married a local woman from his capital, Hasankeyf, or one of the neighboring tribes. 

ErtuÄŸrul Family

The Role of Women in Seljuk Society

Women played a significant but often overlooked role in Seljuk society. Although they were not allowed to participate in politics or the military, they had important roles as wives, mothers, and household managers. Women were also active in the arts and crafts, such as weaving, embroidery, and ceramics, and they often produced goods for trade and commerce.

Some women, especially those from noble families, received an education and were able to read and write. They also had access to the courts and could use their influence to defend their rights and interests. However, women's legal status was limited, and they were subject to the authority of their husbands or male guardians.


Who marries Artuk Bey? The answer to this question remains a mystery, but we can speculate about the possible candidates based on the customs and traditions of medieval Anatolia. Artuk Bey was a legendary figure who left a lasting legacy in the history of the Seljuk Turks. 

Although we know little about his personal life, we can imagine that he was a man of many talents and passions, including love and romance. We can also appreciate the role of women in Seljuk society and their contributions to the arts, culture, and economy of the region.

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